Writerly Play Kit 002 – Asking Better Questions

Writerly Play Kit 002 – Asking Better Questions

Writerly Play Kit: 002

Creative Thinking: Asking Better Questions

WP Kit: 002

Asking Better Questions

It’s easy to rush straight past a question and snatch the first answer we can find. Questions create tension. What will we discover? Will we have to make a choice? If so, will we make the right one? Answers provide relief. However, when we ask the wrong questions, we end up with the wrong answers. Asking better questions is an art, and one of the primary tools artists can use to improve their craft.

Featured articles


THE duel between curiosity and fear: Three Questions to help curiosity win

Our fear is more powerful than we think, and it takes the director role more often than we’d prefer. We don’t realize how often we’re creating a reality for ourselves because we’re so sure that this is the way life is. That’s fear, directing our lives, keeping us within safe boundaries so that we don’t embarrass ourselves. What might be possible if we risked a little short-term discomfort?


asking the right questions

Our mind goes to work solving the questions we feed it. That’s why catching low-value questions and transforming them is so powerful.



Reflection is an important part of growth. What helpful reflection questions might we ask ourselves at the end of the day?



Whether you use this book to boost your skills as a discussion facilitator for others, or to improve the quality of discussion inside your own mind, it is sure to be a transformative read.

“There are no right answers to wrong questions.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

The Writerly Play Attic

To ask strong questions is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Attic.

We visit this mental space when we need interior time to reflect, focus, and tap into our emotionally resonant, genuine voices.



Question Starters


Explore your connection with your idea with a series of question starters.

Try This

What If ... ? Game


Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea.

Try This

Importance Interview


Explore what’s important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

The Question Bullseye


Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you.

Try This

Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.

Question Starters

Question Starters

Question Starters

Explore your personal connection with your idea through a series of question starters.




Asking Questions


15-25 minutes


Question Starters


The purpose of asking questions in the Attic is to find what’s central in your idea and what is not. As an Architect, you may not naturally spend time on this kind of big-picture thinking before diving into the details. However, this questioning process will help you decide which details are the most important, so it will definitely save you time in the end. Make the process more enjoyable by using question starters to guide your thinking. That way, you can focus your creative energy on detailing answers rather than coming up with big-picture questions.


How to Play

  • Index Cards
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Timer

1. Write these question starters on index cards:

  • Why does … catch my attention?
  • What experiences have I had that relate to … ?
  • If a friend didn’t understand why … mattered to me, how would I explain why I disagree?
  • What do I wish were true about … ?
  • Who do I know that reminds me of …?
  • What is most important to me about …?

2. Set the timer for five minutes, and shuffle your cards.

3. Turn one over, and finish the question in a few ways that relate to your idea. Then, turn another over, and do the same.

4. Once the time is up, you’ll have a list of questions. Choose two or three that are most compelling, and free-write your answers. Set a timer for each free-write, if you like. Take two-five minutes on each answer.

5. End your session by creating a “How might I … ?” question that will help focus your attention on what you have found to be most important through the reflective process of asking and answering questions.

6. Keep your index cards! This is a game you can return to again and again, for multiple purposes.


See the Forest Through the Trees

If you find yourself bogged down in the details mid-project, stop and use this game to help you sort out what matters from what might not be so important. Focus on finding the pieces that should be let go, or that you can add in phase two or three. Remember, done is better than perfect. Most of the time, finishing a project gives you the opportunity for feedback, learning and growth.

Tackle A Creative Block

This game works equally well for working through creative blocks. Instead of starting with an idea, start with a problem. Utilize the same process of finishing the question starters and then exploring answers for the most compelling ones. At the end of the game, come up with a “How might I … ?” question that will focus your energy on proactive movement past your obstacle and toward your goal.

Try On Other Creative Styles

The Question Bullseye


Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you.

Try This

What If ... ?


Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea.

Try This

Importance Interview


Explore what’s most important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

Wondering What Your Creativity Style Is?

Your creativity is like a fingerprint: completely unique to you. That said, by understanding how you fit (or don’t) into one of four creativity archetypes, you can more easily identify your approach to the creative process. Think of the creativity styles as hats. You may wear one most of the time, but another on special occasions. Your unique blend of personas will affect how you approach each phase of the creative process.

The Question Bullseye

The Question Bullseye

The Question Bullseye

Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you. What makes this project the right one for you, right now?


Special Agent


Asking Questions


10 minutes


The Question Bullseye


A little thinking at the beginning of a project can save you a lot of time in the end. Before diving in to the drafting process, create a mental bullseye so that you can easily see what’s right on, and what’s off course. You’re in the Attic, so focus on the connection point between you and the work.

Ask questions such as:

  • What is at the core of this idea, for me?
  • What are the nice-to-haves?
  • What are the must-haves?


How to Play

  • Post-its
  • White Board or Large Paper
  • Pencil
  • Timer

1. Draw a three-ringed target on your paper or white board. Make sure the inner circle is big enough to hold at least four post-its.

2. Label the inner ring “core,” the middle ring “must-haves,” and the outer ring “nice to haves.”

3. Set the timer for five minutes, and list elements of your idea. For a story, you might want to consider categories of theme, character, setting, conflict, and events.

4. When the time is up, sort your ideas on the bullseye. If you realize an idea is off-course, stick it outside the outer ring.

5. Step back, and study your work. Should anything move? Should anything be added?

6. Create one or two guiding questions to help you keep your bullseye in mind as you work. Your focusing question might start with, “How does this (scene, character, place) connect with …”


Problem Solving

Rather than using this game at the start of an idea, try using it when you find yourself stuck. You can label the core with a central theme, and the other rings with sub-themes, or use the center ring for the main character, and the other rings for close relationships and acquaintances. The purpose of the game in these scenarios is to gain a better big-picture view of what matters and what might be less important.

Plot and Subplots

Special Agents tend to create quickly, sequentially, from beginning to end. This approach works well for them … until it doesn’t. When you need to see where a story has veered off track, try using this activity to look at the main plot, any primary subplot, and important secondary subplots. You’ll need a larger inner ring for this version. Place events in the appropriate ring, and note what the overall sorting process tells you.

Try On Other Creative Styles

Question Starters


Explore your connection with your idea with a series of question starters.

Try This

What If ... ?


Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea.

Try This

Importance Interview


Explore what’s most important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

Wondering What Your Creativity Style Is?

Your creativity is like a fingerprint: completely unique to you. That said, by understanding how you fit (or don’t) into one of four creativity archetypes, you can more easily identify your approach to the creative process. Think of the creativity styles as hats. You may wear one most of the time, but another on special occasions. Your unique blend of personas will affect how you approach each phase of the creative process.

What If?

What If?

What If …?

Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea, and in particular, where those possibilities spark your passion.




Asking Questions


10 minutes


What If …?


As an Inventor, ideas aren’t difficult for you, and neither is coming up with options. Rely on your strength to create an exhaustive list of “What if …?” questions, but don’t stop there. Remember, your passion is a huge part of what motivates you. Look over your list of questions and rank them in terms of what sparks your passion most fiercely. A powerful “What if …?” question can take you quite a long way into your project.


How to Play

  • Timer
  • White Board
  • Dry Erase Markers


  • Timer
  • Easel
  • Markers

1. Choose brainstorming tools you can use while standing up.

2. Play some silly or happy music and dance for a minute to loosen up.

2. Set the timer for eight minutes. Make a list of every “What if … ?” question you can think of that connects you, the artist, with your idea. Consider what memories and experiences you bring to the table, plus your expertise, and especially, your longings or curiosity.

3. When the time’s up, review your list. What stands out? How plugged into this idea are you? Do you need to find a deeper point of connection? Is there a question on the list that might be the one to fuel your next steps?

4. Use your remaining time to choose what questions to take away, and how you’d like to keep them top of mind.

5. If you’re feeling particularly inspired, take another ten minutes and make a graphic or a collage that includes your question, and post it where you can see it.


Slay a Creative Dragon

It’s never a good idea to ignore a dragon. They tend to breathe fire, snag you with their claws, or topple you with their tails. If you’ve found yourself in the presence of a creative dragon, rather than exploring possibilities, use this activity to focus specifically on your fears. Use the first half of your time to explore the very worst that could happen. Then, use the second half to explore all the ways you might overcome that beast. You’ve got this!

Brainstorm Visually

Tap into your genius that goes beyond words. You’re in the Attic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a technique more often seen in the Studio. Collage or sketch to explore questions related to the heart of this project. Remember, the purpose of asking questions in the Attic is not so much to explore ideas, but rather to find your personal connection to the piece. Stick close to the heart as you play, and see what you discover.

Try On Other Creative Styles

Question Starters


Explore your connection with your idea with a series of question starters.

Try This

The Question Bullseye


Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you.

Try This

Importance Interview


Explore what’s most important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

Wondering What Your Creativity Style Is?

Your creativity is like a fingerprint: completely unique to you. That said, by understanding how you fit (or don’t) into one of four creativity archetypes, you can more easily identify your approach to the creative process. Think of the creativity styles as hats. You may wear one most of the time, but another on special occasions. Your unique blend of personas will affect how you approach each phase of the creative process.

The Importance Interview

The Importance Interview

The Importance Interview

Explore what’s most important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.




Asking Questions


20 minutes


The Importance Interview


The purpose of asking questions in The Attic is to reflect on the intersection between YOU and your idea. As a Collaborator, you do your best work with friends. So, find a friend to help you discuss two key questions:

1. In this idea, what is most important to me?

2. What is most likely to be important to others?


How to Play

  • A Trusted Collaborator
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Timer

1. Play a quick game of “Would You Rather,” to loosen up. Take turns posing questions. Ideally, play this game standing up to boost your energy.

2. Set the timer for six minutes, and tell your partner everything you can think of that is important to you in the idea. Your partner should jot down key words and phrases while you speak.

3. When the time is up, review the written list. Is anything missing? Was anything listed as important that doesn’t now seem vital? Your partner can also share any thoughts or questions that arose while listening.

4. Set the timer for another six minutes. Now, explain what is most likely to be important to others. Your partner can help by listing people or categories of people to prompt you. 

5. When time’s up, review your thoughts again. You and your partner may realize you missed a category of person and want to fill in a few holes.

6. Use the remaining time to compare lists and discuss what the key takeaways should be. A list of questions is helpful, but one or two focusing questions will provide you even more guidance. See if you can boil the list down, or choose one or two questions that feel like the right starting place.


Character Spotlight

Rather than playing this game focused on your idea, step into your character’s shoes and focus on the character’s problem or goal. Why is it important to them? Why is it important to others? In the final moments of the game, discuss what insights about your character you can take away from the discussion.

Exploring the Opposite

Sometimes what we need is more breathing space. Our minds are crowded with the trivial and the noise makes it difficult to discern what’s most important. If you feel stumped coming up with what’s most important, try playing this game from the opposite point of view to clear the decks. What’s unimportant? What won’t anyone care about?

Try On Other Creative Styles

Question Starters


Explore your connection with your idea with a series of question starters.

Try This

What If ... ?


Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea.

Try This

The Question Bullseye


Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you.

Try This

Wondering What Your Creativity Style Is?

Your creativity is like a fingerprint: completely unique to you. That said, by understanding how you fit (or don’t) into one of four creativity archetypes, you can more easily identify your approach to the creative process. Think of the creativity styles as hats. You may wear one most of the time, but another on special occasions. Your unique blend of personas will affect how you approach each phase of the creative process.