Writerly Play Kit 006 – Structuring Ideas

Writerly Play Kit: 006

Structure Your Ideas With Style

WP Kit: 006

Structure Your Ideas with Style

Whether you’re a plotter or a pantser, the ability to step back and take a 30,000 foot view look at your project is essential. Whether you’re planning a new book, setting goals, or re-envisioning your office, there comes a point when you must think strategically … or accept the fact that you’re going to lose a lot of time wandering in the land of indecision.

Recently, I heard Brooke Castillo explain the need for strategic thinking in this way. Imagine you’re riding your bicycle somewhere far across town. You need to arrive where you’re headed urgently, so you pedal, pedal, pedal. But what if you took the time to get off the bike, climbed into your car, and fired up the GPS?

Sometimes we’re so committed to moving forward that we don’t stop to think about what might work more efficiently. Or, alternatively, we might resist strategic thinking because that’s not our biggest strength. Just as learning to be more playful in our thinking is key across every creative style, learning to be more strategic is important as well.

In this Writerly Play Kit, we’ll explore critical thinking tools and strategies that we can use to structure our stories, develop our ideas, and revise our lives and work.


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HOW TO reach a complex goal

Many writers spend a lot of time in their mental “Workshop,” structuring their stories, developing their writing craft, and revising their work. However, we may not apply those same cognitive skills to our careers and lives. Whether we’re storyboarding a work of fiction or our actual lives, the strategic thinking involved uses the same mental muscles. 

Do you have an exciting (and complex) goal? Let’s put those powerful mental muscles to work to figure out how to travel from where you are now to that big dream.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

-Albert Einstein

The Writerly Play WORKSHOP

To structure our ideas is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Workshop.

We visit this mental space when in order to think critically–practicing storytelling craft, developing ideas, and revising. 




Storyboard Like a Detective


Define the scenario, collect clues, and ultimately, resolve your questions. Capture your thinking on your storyboard.

Try This

Storyboard Like an Animator


Use the Hero’s Journey to structure your storyboard discussion with a collaborator.

Try This

Storyboard Like a Reporter


Structure your thinking about a project with a reporter’s questions. Use your discoveries to shape your storyboard.

Try This

Storyboard Like a Coach


Run a few quick scenarios for your idea and then choose a game plan for your storyboard.

Try This

Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.

Writerly Play Kit 005 – Yes, And …

Writerly Play Kit: 005

Improvising with Yes, And … Thinking

WP Kit: 005


What do you picture when you hear the word improvisation? Do you imagine stand-up comedians or jazz musicians? What qualities come to mind? Courage, a sense of humor, flexibility?

Improvisation can be flashy in performance, but it’s also a powerful tool that works in quieter ways, too. I remember how surprised I felt when my first lesson in improv focused on listening rather than speaking.

Writers can learn much about the craft of writing, as well as the art of living creatively, by studying improvisation.

In this Writerly Play Kit, we’ll experiment with the powerful tools of improvisation, starting with the art of saying “Yes, and …”


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When we don’t leave room in our plans, we squash the possibility of surprise. What’s worse, we often don’t realize we’re limiting ourselves.

What can we learn from improvisational actors about the art of creative living?


The Who, What, & Where Experiment


Use this structured improv game to experiment with options for your next scene.

Try This

Step Into Your Character's Shoes


Take on your character’s mindset and play through a scene in a variety of ways in this improv game for writers.

Try This

Improvised Storytelling


Create a collaborative scene with a partner, using their questions to help you better understand your main character’s point of view.

Try This

Improvise the Highlights


Use this quick-thinking improv game to identify key moments in your scene and shortcut the experimentation process.

Try This

“Through spontaneity we are re-formed into ourselves … Spontaneity is the moment of personal freedom when we are faced with reality, and see it, explore it, and act accordingly.”

– Viola Spolin

The Writerly Play STUDIO

Improvisation is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Studio.

We visit this mental space when we’re ready to think expansively–brainstorming, improvising, and experimenting.


Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.

Writerly Play Kit 004 – Tap Into the Heart of Your Work

Writerly Play Kit 004 – Tap Into the Heart of Your Work

Writerly Play Kit: 004

Creative Thinking: Tap Into the Heart of Your Work

WP Kit: 004

Tap Into the Heart of Your Work

I used to stress out when editors said, “I’m looking for a manuscript with a strong voice.” It felt like they were actually saying, “I’m looking for a writer who’s cool, who has a great personality, who I’d invite to sit at my table for lunch.” Unfortunately, the echo of my middle school self shows up at the most unhelpful times!

The truth is, voice is about personality. It’s about braving the terrifying–and meaningful–experience of putting our hearts on the page. As long as we’re focused on being cool, about becoming who an editor or a reader might want us to be, we’re prickly, self-conscious, and inauthentic. What’s worse, our emotional armor is tricky and so familiar that we may not even realize our guard is up. It takes focused attention to tap into the heart of our work, and to stay connected. Fortunately, with this creative skill, as in all of them, we can bypass our defenses by approaching sideways, with a playful spirit.

In this Writerly Play Kit, we’ll explore questions, activities, and resources to take us deeper into the landscape of our own hearts, where we will discover our richest creative material.


Featured articles


GRIT, EMPATHY and Vision

II woke up in the middle of the night before our most recent Inklings Book launch with these three words bouncing around my mind – grit, empathy, and vision. Sometimes the answer to a question I’ve been wrestling shows up this way. The question? Why is creative writing important, in a world filled with opportunities and responsibilities? The answer:

Creative writing is one of the best ways I know to build grit, empathy, and vision.



The journey to find our artist’s heart is not a one-time ordeal. It’s a life journey, one that is traveled in multiple parts. The three titles I’ve chosen for this flight have served as companions to me on that journey, urging me on toward courage, and lighting my way in the dark. I highly recommend each individually. I also encourage you: consider reading the three as a flight, allowing their ideas and insights to illuminate one another.

“My purpose is to create a mirror for the reader to see themselves, to create a light for people to see themselves in the characters, pictures, and stories. So they resonate.”

-Kadir Nelson

Activities: the Heart of your project

Freewrite Your Heart


Move your hand across the page speedily to bypass your critic and discover your heart.

Try This

Frame Your Heart in Three


Choose three adjectives that focus your attention on the core of this project, and its importance to you.

Try This

Zoom In On the Heart


Answer three key questions to focus your attention on the core of this project, and its importance to you.

Try This

Share Your Heart with a Loved One


Choose a confidant and write a letter about your project. What is most important to you about creating this artwork?

Try This

The Writerly Play Attic

To find the heart of our work is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Attic.

We visit this mental space when we need interior time to reflect, focus, and tap into our emotionally resonant, genuine voices.


Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.

Writerly Play Kit 003 – Choosing Your Dream Mentor

Writerly Play Kit 003 – Choosing Your Dream Mentor

Writerly Play Kit: 003

Creative Thinking: Choosing Your Dream Mentor

WP Kit: 003

Choosing Your Dream mentor

If you’re like me, when you think of mentorship, you imagine sitting face to face with someone you admire and being guided from where you are now to the next step. Often, an in-person mentor IS the right next step. However, I’ve found that sometimes a dream mentor can be found in unexpected places. Sometimes the thinking it takes to personalize the messages you hear from a podcaster, an author, or a thought-leader, empowers you more fully. In these cases, you’re the one shaping your learning question, finding the resources, and keeping yourself on-track in the day-to-day. Plus, consider the doors this approach offers! You can mentor with anyone. Who is your dream mentor? In this Writerly Play Kit, we’ll explore a variety of ways you can make those dreams come true.

Featured articles



My wish? To be mentored by Madeleine L’Engle.

So, naturally, in my twenties, I wrote a letter to her.

I knew the chances of hearing back were low. She was busy and surely couldn’t respond personally to every reader. Knowing these truths didn’t stop me from harboring a fantasy that somehow, in some way, my letter would spark a connection between the two of us.



Is it possible for someone else to know how to be YOU better than you do? Sure, coaches and mentors are essential to our growth. Exploring opportunities, investing in development and being teachable are all important. However, in the end, the person who knows the right next step for you to take is … you’ve got it. You.



While I’ll be delighted if this collection sends you straight to the library to pick up a L’Engle title, I hope it also inspires you to read a flight of books by one of your author-mentors. Examining an artist’s work over a range of genres offers a rich thinking experience, and provides insight into that ever-elusive question: What makes up a writer’s voice?

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

Oprah Winfrey

The Writerly Play LIBRARy

To mentor with master artists is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Library.

We visit this mental space when we’re ready to grow. In the Library, we analyze successful work from luminary artists, identify strategies that work, and translate those insights to customize them in our own work. 




Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.


Profile Three Experts


Use insight from three experts to lead you to the perfect-fit mentor.

Try This

Assemble a Think Tank of Mentors


Identify one-of-a-kind insights by connecting wisdom from an eclectic group of experts.

Try This

Create a Learner's Book Club


Explore what’s important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

Choose One Expert


Focus on one expert in this strategic learning exercise.

Try This

Writerly Play Kit 002 – Asking Better Questions

Writerly Play Kit 002 – Asking Better Questions

Writerly Play Kit: 002

Creative Thinking: Asking Better Questions

WP Kit: 002

Asking Better Questions

It’s easy to rush straight past a question and snatch the first answer we can find. Questions create tension. What will we discover? Will we have to make a choice? If so, will we make the right one? Answers provide relief. However, when we ask the wrong questions, we end up with the wrong answers. Asking better questions is an art, and one of the primary tools artists can use to improve their craft.

Featured articles


THE duel between curiosity and fear: Three Questions to help curiosity win

Our fear is more powerful than we think, and it takes the director role more often than we’d prefer. We don’t realize how often we’re creating a reality for ourselves because we’re so sure that this is the way life is. That’s fear, directing our lives, keeping us within safe boundaries so that we don’t embarrass ourselves. What might be possible if we risked a little short-term discomfort?


asking the right questions

Our mind goes to work solving the questions we feed it. That’s why catching low-value questions and transforming them is so powerful.



Reflection is an important part of growth. What helpful reflection questions might we ask ourselves at the end of the day?



Whether you use this book to boost your skills as a discussion facilitator for others, or to improve the quality of discussion inside your own mind, it is sure to be a transformative read.

“There are no right answers to wrong questions.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

The Writerly Play Attic

To ask strong questions is a core skill used in the Writerly Play Attic.

We visit this mental space when we need interior time to reflect, focus, and tap into our emotionally resonant, genuine voices.



Question Starters


Explore your connection with your idea with a series of question starters.

Try This

What If ... ? Game


Use this classic question to explore the possibilities in your idea.

Try This

Importance Interview


Explore what’s important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.

Try This

The Question Bullseye


Clarify your project by exploring what’s central in the idea for you.

Try This

Wondering what Writerly Play is all about?

Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.

Want a shortcut? If you don’t have time to read today, but want a quick win, try this quick quiz to identify your creative strengths and weaknesses:

Once you know what works best for you, you need a perfect-for-you plan. Writerly Play functions more like a map rather than a cookie-cutter recipe. First, you’ll locate yourself on the map. Then, with a clear understanding of where you are, you can make informed choices about your next best steps.