Writerly Play Kit: 002
Creative Thinking: Asking Better Questions
WP Kit: 002
Asking Better Questions
It’s easy to rush straight past a question and snatch the first answer we can find. Questions create tension. What will we discover? Will we have to make a choice? If so, will we make the right one? Answers provide relief. However, when we ask the wrong questions, we end up with the wrong answers. Asking better questions is an art, and one of the primary tools artists can use to improve their craft.
Featured articles
THE duel between curiosity and fear: Three Questions to help curiosity win
Our fear is more powerful than we think, and it takes the director role more often than we’d prefer. We don’t realize how often we’re creating a reality for ourselves because we’re so sure that this is the way life is. That’s fear, directing our lives, keeping us within safe boundaries so that we don’t embarrass ourselves. What might be possible if we risked a little short-term discomfort?
asking the right questions
Our mind goes to work solving the questions we feed it. That’s why catching low-value questions and transforming them is so powerful.
Reflection is an important part of growth. What helpful reflection questions might we ask ourselves at the end of the day?
“There are no right answers to wrong questions.”
–Ursula K. Le Guin
The Writerly Play Attic
Question Starters
What If ... ? Game
Importance Interview
Explore what’s important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.
The Question Bullseye
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Writerly Play is designed to help you make the most of your creative potential. Each Writerly Play Kit is designed to help you stretch your thinking skills and develop practical strategies perfectly fit for you.
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