Writerly Play Resources

Personalize, map and problem-solve your creative process.

Whether you’re starting, slogging through the middle, or stretching for the finish, tap into momentum and a sense of joy with Writerly Play.


Creative Lift is for you if you are a writer or any other kind of artist who takes your work, your practice, and your growth seriously enough to dare to play your way to the page.

Each episode includes an invitation for your curiosity, a game or thinking experiment, and a question or two to take into your week.



Design Thinking for Writers - Create a Compelling Character


You Are Here

Where are you in the creative process?

A lightbulb went on for me when listening to the Creative Pep Talk podcast. Andy pointed out that when we’re lost in the real world, our problem usually isn’t we don’t know where we’re headed. What we can’t figure out is where we are right now. Once we know where we are, it’s much easier to choose a next step in the right direction. Want some of that kind of clarity? Walk with me through this quick Q&A experience that will give you a bird’s eye view of where you are now and point you toward a possible next right step.


Find Flow with Writerly Play

At first, I thought Writerly Play was simply a collection of improv games to help writers courageously face the blank page. Over the past twenty+ years, I’ve learned that no how-to is complete unless we understand the why beneath it.
Whether you choose to start with a game or two, or to zoom out with me for the big picture view of the full story, you’re invited to approach Writerly Play in your own style. One excellent starting place is with this Writerly Play Kit. Enjoy!


Book Flight - Live Your Epic Story

Savor a delicious literary treat

One way to enjoy a book is to read it cover to cover. With fiction, we may tumble out of the real world and into the realm of story. With nonfiction, our intention may be to squeeze out every drop of insight from the pages. I’m all for deep-dive reading experiences. However, what if we also held space for an ongoing relationship with our books? What if, as with a dessert, wine, or cheese flight, we curated a selection of books? What might we taste, learn, or see by considering a few books in relation to one another?  


What's Your Creative Style?

No one can do the creative process someone else’s way. That’s why before deciding what to do, it’s important to identify who you are when it comes to creative work. What works best for you? Our quick quiz will kick-start your reflection process, giving you a general starting place for defining your creative style. From there, you can explore the nuances and flair that make you you.

Online Masterclass // Be First to Know!

Find Your Flow: Personalize, Map, and Problem Solve the Creative Process

In a Q&A, Laini Taylor said, “Sometimes it feels like I’m driving with the brakes on when I’m drafting. You can drive that way, but it’s painfully slow. It’s one way to work, but not the one I prefer.” How would you prefer to feel the next time you sit down to draft? Energized? Ready to go deep into your story? Filled with a bit of the magic you felt at your last conference, retreat, or even at your grad school residency?

In this masterclass, we’ll explore how the writerly skills you’ve worked so hard to develop can become a compass for your day to day process. You’ll come away with solid strategies for finding your flow, even on the toughest of writing days.

I’m currently putting together the schedule for our upcoming season of Writerly Play workshops. Sign up for the waiting list below to be first to know when the dates are announced!

Play Your Way to the Page

If you’re working hard or worse, suffering through the writing process, chances are you’re getting in your own way. Like meditation, creative thinking requires that just-right amount of effort. Since that’s easy to say and difficult to achieve, may I suggest the easiest way I’ve found? Yep. I’m suggesting you play a game. You won’t believe how powerful play can be until you try it yourself … Come on in, the water’s fine!