Are you considering taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge? Whether you plan to draft a novel in November officially, or simply want to think more about the art of drafting and how you can face the blank page with more flow, this episode is for you!

In this season, Alex and I have decided to take on the NaNoWriMo challenge, and are sharing our experience as we go in order to keep ourselves motivated and on track … and in hopes of inspiring you to do the same. In this episode, How to Set Yourself Up for NaNoWriMo, we’ll discuss strategies that will help you prepare for smoother sailing as you draft.

In today’s conversation, Alex and I discuss:

  • How to create a loose plan for drafting that leaves room for surprises
  • How to get to know your character in advance
  • Tools for brainstorming scenes and plot points
  • Strategies for building your creative confidence



And since November hasn’t started quite yet, you may still be in need of some idea exploration. If you want to develop a brand new character, check out my Skillshare Class: Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character. On this episode’s webpage, there’s a link for a free trial to the Skillshare platform so that you can take that class for free.

For this season, I decided not to make individual RGs for each episode. You have enough to focus on with your own writing project. However, I did create a little book of drafting strategies that you can use on days when you’re in need of a little extra mojo. You can download those drafting strategies by visiting the show’s webpage, scrolling to the bottom, and signing up for Creative Lift resources.


Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character

Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman

Find Alex on Instagram: @ag.doherty

You can also help others find the show by rating and reviewing it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to the show. Your words make such a difference for them—and for me, as I continue to create this show. Many, many thanks in advance. And of course, a big thank you to Alex for joining me in this conversation, and for editing the show.