What role does intuition play in your creative process?
When you use design thinking tools, you bring intention to the way you approach your creative work. Sometimes, that mindfulness can feel like the opposite of intuition. Along the way as I learned design thinking, the question pops up now and then. What role is intuition playing here? Am I trusting my gut enough, letting go of control, allowing the magic of creativity to happen?
It’s an important question as we wrap up our conversation on design thinking. Yes, these tools are powerful. Yes, if we invite others into our creative work sooner we will have greater perspective. Yes, if we fail faster, we will succeed sooner.
And, as you use these tools, there are moments when the right thing to do is to let go. Throw the system out the window. Follow your intuition and see where it will lead you.
A huge thank you to Alex Doherty, who records and edits Creative Lift.
In this season of Creative Lift, we’re exploring how Design Thinking might apply to the craft of writing. If you’d like to explore these tools and mindsets further, check out our Skillshare course, Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character, at this link.
Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character
IDEO U: Insights to Innovation
Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman
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