In today’s episode of Creative Lift, Creating Space: Learning in the Library, we’re building on last week’s exploration of an expansive library space, dedicated to learning, which houses artistic masterpieces of all kinds. Today, we’ll step into that space and learn a reverse-engineering...
Creative Lift 043- NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Draft Onward When You Wonder, “What’s Next?”
If you’ve taken the NaNoWriMo challenge, you’re deep into the drafting process at this point, and chances are, you’ve hit at least a little bit of friction. Today’s mini-episode is designed to help...
Creative Lift 042: NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Tackle a Difficult Scene
If you’ve taken the NaNoWriMo challenge, you’re deep into the drafting process at this point, and chances are, you’ve hit at least a little bit of friction. Today’s mini-episode is designed to help...
Creative Lift 041- NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Overcome Character Overhelm
We’re into week two of NaNoWriMo, and in this season of Creative Lift, Alex and I have taken on the challenge of drafting 50,000 words in a month. Many of you are drafting, too, so we’re offering...
Creative Lift 040- NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Move Forward When You’re Thinking “I Know What Happens, But Not How!”
It’s the first week of NaNoWriMo, and the Creative Lift episodes this month are focused on helping you maintain your drafting enthusiasm and momentum as you aim to draft a novel in a month. In...
Creative Lift 039- NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Overcome World-Building Overwhelm
It’s NaNoWriMo, and Alex and I are drafting our hearts out this month. Are you, too? If so, this episode is for you. It’s a podcast mini-session focused on overcoming world-building overwhelm, and...
Creative Lift 038-How to Troubleshoot Ahead of Time for NaNoWriMo
It’s almost time for the NaNoWriMo challenge to begin. That means, across the world, writers are preparing to draft 50,000 words in the month of November. In the past couple of episodes, we’ve...
Creative Lift 037-How to Set Yourself Up of NaNoWriMo
Are you considering taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge? Whether you plan to draft a novel in November officially, or simply want to think more about the art of drafting and how you can face the blank...
Creative Lift 036- How To Choose a Project for NaNoWriMo
Welcome to season five of Creative Lift: Dive Into the NaNoWriMo Challenge! I’m Naomi Kinsman, and you’re listening to episode 36, How to Choose a Project for NaNoWriMo. In case you’ve never heard...
Creative Lift 035-Thoughts on Revising a Novel
Where do you start with a full novel revision?We’re finishing up season four of the podcast, Behind the Scenes of a Full-NovelRevision, in which Alex Doherty, a fellow writer, and I have been...