The Gap Between Here and My Expectations

The Gap Between Here and My Expectations

  What goes through your mind at the end of the day? If you're a creative, I'm guessing you run through a mental account of what you made today. At least, I do. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but my counting usually goes something like this. 1. I did write that scene. 2. But I should...

A Challenge Posed…

As I've been working through my hero's journey process, I've been reading The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler. After the chapter on the Call to Adventure, there's a chapter on Refusing the...

Savoring Ordinary Life

The experiment is underway! In the Hero's Journey, the character starts out in Ordinary Life. Usually, there is a bit of restlessness, or the potential for something to change, but the goal in this...

A Hero’s Journey Experiment

A few years ago, I made a decision that changed my life. Even though I had a BFA in Theatre Arts and was pursuing an MFA in Writing for Children,  I felt like someone pretending to be an artist. All...

Fruit and Fizz

I'm loving Kombucha Revolution by Stephen Lee. With brightly colored illustrations and interesting combinations, Lee encourages readers to drink Kombucha, the "wonder drink." An ancient home-brewed...

Girl at the End of the World

One of the most daunting challenges I've faced as a writer is to write about my faith. I always insisted I wouldn't do it, and when I was asked directly to write about faith, I did so with fear and...

Dancing on the Head of a Pen

Writing isn't like most other art forms. While one might apprentice with a painter by observing the artist at work, cleaning brushes and gathering habits and strategies to try, watching a writer at...

Be Surprised

I have to admit, when I picked up Urban Watercolor Sketching by Felix Scheinberger, I thought, I'll just see what I can take from this technique and make my own. There has to be a way to use...

Balance Feels Wobbly

I just read a post by Michael Hyatt about the way that balance feels. You should read it, too. Michael wrote that when one is balancing on a rope, one doesn't feel balanced. Instead, one is...


When you set out to do something, truly commit, you can't have any idea what's around the corner. That's the beauty of a journey, I suppose, maybe even the reason for a journey. We want to strike...